Thursday, July 19, 2012

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, 1974

Polish Title: Alicja juz tu nie mieszka
Author: Elzbieta Procka, 1976
Size: A1
Print Info: n/s (circulation 12850)

Alexander Nevsky, 1938

Polish Title: Alexander Newski
Author: Mieczyslaw Berman, 1955
Size: A1
Print Info: Dom Slowa Polskiego Zam. 4114 B-6-00334

La Polizia ringrazia, 1972 aka Execution Squad

Polish Title: Policja dziekuje
Author: Maria Ihnatowicz, 1976
Size: A1
Print Info: ZGK, zam. 2478/3/76 - 13500 szt. - J-82

Pas si mechant que ca, 1974 aka Not As Bad As All That

Polish Title: Nie taki zly
Author: Wanda Roszkowska, 1978
Size: A1
Print Info: zgk 2748/3/78 13,000 S-57

Il n'y a pas de fumee sans feu, 1972 aka Where There's Smoke..

Polish Title: Nie ma dymu bez ognia
Author: Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, 1976
Size: A1
Print Info: ZGK, zam. 1822/3/76 - 12,850 szt. - J-2

Nagrody i odznaczenia, 1974 aka Awards and Decorations

Polish Title: Nagrody i odznaczenia
Author: Jakub Erol, 1974
Size: A1
Print Info: WDA 3 ZAM 36-W-73 Nakl. 15.000